For Coaching

-Coaching players by a parent is not allowed during league or tournament matches
-Coaching is allowed during change-over by registered coaches only who have completed all requirements by the USTA
-All eligible coaches must have successfully completed: USTA play-safe program, background check and Positive Coaching Alliance.
-When a coach disagrees with a call by the opposing players, he/she must bring it to the attention of the opposing coach and should NOT over-rule the opposing players.
For Spectators

- All parents and spectators must stay off the court during team matches.
- Do not sit/go on court during any team match.
- If you need to give something to a player during a match, only the coach can go on court and give it to the player (during changeovers only)
- Parent/Spectator coaching from the stands during matches is prohibited.
- We ask all parents/spectators to cheer respectfully during the tournament, which means:
- No cheering for opponent double faults
- No cheering loudly or aggressively to the point of distraction
- Parents/Spectators calling out a score or assisting with line calls while a match is in progress is prohibited
- Parents/Spectators should not confront opposing coaches/players, before, during or after a match.
- Only team coaches should communicate concerns between each other.
- Each player is responsible for their own match when it comes to line calls and scoring.
- Players should try to work out scoring disputes on court first before asking for help.
- If players need additional help, only their team coaches should get involved to find a solution.
- Rule book: courtesy of USTA Northern California